Tasked with quickly launching two new Triathlon focused race bikes in fall of 2019.
Quick timelines and humble budgets made this effort a race in it’s own. In less than 6 weeks we developed and executed a integrated campaign aimed at Triathletes, with the dual goal of launching the bikes while reinvigorating and reaffirming our commitment and heritage in the world of Triathlon.
Our brief - “A love letter to Triathlon” - From Cervelo.

“Can’t Fake Fast”

To go fast. Faster than your last effort. Faster than your competition -
You must do the little things, the big things, all the things: Leave no rock unturned.
Check every box. Respect every ritual. 

Because process breeds performance. Because fast is in the details.
For the athlete. And the machine.

Triathletes are known for their incredible dedication and discipline to the sport - obsessing over every detail, and finding speed in every process. 
We decided to take a look into this ritualistic nature through the eyes of an inspired, innocent character - a child looking up to her dad as the hero triathlete.
She doesn’t always understand what he’s up to, but one day she might be as fast as him…



SOCIAL 60” Cutdown / Instagram / Twitter