NICK BRUSKEWITZ // Founder, Creative Director + Photographer
Nick is a Creative Director (Art Direction) and Photographer based in Boulder Colorado.
However, this beautiful city is just one of the many places I feel at home - I grew up in Madison, WI but have also spent time living and working in Chicago, Seattle, Boston and Austin.

I am a former agency creative who decided to have a bit more control over the clients and projects I spend time with. The result has been a beautiful thing - More meaningful conversations. Relationships built on trust and deeper understanding. Work that reflects lifelong passions and the desire to learn more at every turn. Growing up I spent most waking hours in out nature, making art, or in sport. I now realize at the center of these childhood endeavors is where I am best, and it’s the work I seek. If the job includes these three elements I’m in.

Fueled on first light and copious amounts of caffeine, we have a get it done “cowboy” mentality.
We approach every project the same - We will be fast and efficient, strategic and resourceful.
And sure, when we aren’t “working” we are riding and racing bikes, or unzipping the tent and lacing up the boots.

The “WE” part is also very important. This is a collaborative process. A journey we are all on to identify the challenge and solve problems big and small with swift, insightful thinking, and beautiful storytelling.

WE RIDE AT DAWN //Agency and Client Experience
RGA / DDB Chicago / FCB CHICAGO / SOLDIER UNLIMITED / FORTNIGHT COLLECTIVE / BARKLEY / COLE AND WEBER / PB& / RAZORFISH / EVB / KSV / Tracksmith / WHOOP / PUMA Running / Michelob Ultra / AIRAID & K&N / Mongoose Bikes / Schwinn Bikes / ESPRO / SAWBLADE.COM / American Kitchen